Paul Marchi Appraisal

Let Us Help Lower Appraisal Costs!


Meet Paul Marchi Appraiser

Our lead appraiser Paul Marchi has 45 years experience and is an AG level General Certified full service residential and commercial appraisal company that focuses on providing industry leading quality appraisals at affordable prices.

Standard Appraisal $399

Ask about BPO Appraisal $350

  • Specialty areas: Estate Planning, Date of Death and Divorce Appraisals

    We are also Real Estate Brokers, who can also list your property if you choose to sell quickly, saving you time and frustration!

Types of Appraisals our clients ask us to appraise the most!

Estate 100%
Date of Death 99%
Divorce 90%
Bankruptcy 80%
Forclosure 75%
Tax 55%


Our Services

We offer both traditional residential appraisals and Non Lending Valuation Appraisals. Estate Planning Appraisals, Date of Death Appraisals, Divorce Appraisals, Bankruptcy Appraisals, Foreclosure Appraisals, Short Sale Appraisals.

5 Types of Estate Appraisal

Pre-listing estate appraisal, Donations appraisal, Estate tax appraisal, Estate trust appraisal and Probate estate appraisal.

Date of Death Appraisals

You might need an appraisal of property that states an opinion of what the property was worth on a date some time ago, rather than when the appraisal is ordered.

Divorce Appraisal

If one or both parties need Divorce Appraisals, you should hire the services of a certified real estate appraiser for asset division.

Bankruptcy Appraisal

In bankruptcy court, the judge has the power to decide whether to accept or reject the bankruptcy appraisal. Many bankruptcy judges will not even recognize appraisals from professionals who are not state-licensed or do not have a strong track record of providing accurate assessments.

Foreclosure Appraisal

Foreclosures have unfortunately represented a significant part of the real estate market

Non-Lending Appraisal

Includes tax rebuttal, pre-purchase, pre-listing, divorce, estate, and IRS-related work


Check our Pricing

Our Most Popular Appraisals We Offer.

Estate Planning

$399 / standard

  • Pre-Listing
  • Donation
  • Estate Tax
  • Estate Trust
  • Probate

Date of Death

$399 / standard

  • Appraisal


$399 / standard

  • Appraisal


$350 / standard

  • Appraisal


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about non-lending appraisals

  • Who will ask for a Non-Lending Appraisal: attorneys, accountants, agents, homeowners and insurance companies (for insurable value), among others

  • Sale to a relative, Partitioning an estate among the heirs or beneficiaries, Sale to a non-relative, Prior to listing the home for sale, Partial interests, Alternate valuation date – estate tax purposes (if the property value declines after the date of death), Gifts and gift trusts (to charities or children typically), Determining the basis for capital gains tax, Family limited partnerships and other types of trusts/partnerships.

  • The value of the property must be divided fairly in order for the divorce to be divided eqitably. Couples and their lawyers, and the court cannot factor a homes worth with a divorce appraiser.

  • Simply put, for tax purposes. To do this an appraisal must be done at the time of death to determing the value of the property on that date, even if it was months ago, using historical sales and market data from that date of death


Contact Us

All Specialty Non Lending Appraisals are unique. We will be happay to answer any questions that applies to your situation.

Our Address

668 N. Coast Hwy STE 1201 Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651